Thursday, April 11, 2013

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.6

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.6 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Option to use original file name when exporting

2. Edit original file name before exporting

3. Filename settings: Starting Index & Leading Zero

4. Preview resulted filename before uploading

5. Fix bug for WebDAV server using SSL

6. Fix bug when listing filename with uppercase from FTP Server

7. Fix the screen bug when using external keyboard

8. Fix bug when selecting photo from photo library

9. Update Google Drive SDK

Monday, October 29, 2012

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.5

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.5 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Import videos from FTP Server

2. Browse folder when uploading to FTP Server

3. Fix bug for extracting audio track

4. Support Open In for audio

5. Rework WebDAV and add browsing features

6. Fix bug for uploading YouTube

7. Take photo or video from camera directly

8. Optimized for iPhone 5 and new iPod touch interface

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.4

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.4 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Upload videos to Facebook Page

2. Select individual video from Dropbox

3. Import videos from Google Drive

4. Upload videos to Google Drive

5. Upload videos to WebDAV Server

6. Update Dropbox API

7. Support Open In option for output photo and video

8. Show EXIF data of output photo

9. Tweet output photo

10. Option to keep history or not

11. Keep logo image when saving profile

Sunday, February 12, 2012

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.3

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.3 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Fix bug for portrait video

2. Save videos into new or existing album of Photos app

3. Revamp Google Picasa & Google Docs Login

4. Create new or select existing folder when uploading photos to Google Docs

5. Avoid system to sleep when task is running

Sunday, October 2, 2011

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.2

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.2 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Generate and email zip file

2. Upload to Google Docs

3. Update Facebook Authentication

Friday, August 5, 2011

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.1.5

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.1.5 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Fix audio track missing problem when merging videos with transitions

2. Fix problem for saving profile with music and image

3. Change filename prefix before uploading to dropbox and ftp server

4. Enhance file upload progress status

Thursday, June 23, 2011

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.1 Released

OneVideoEdit for iPad & iPhone v1.1 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Batch update title's prefix and description

2. Upload resulted videos and photos to Picasa

3. Import videos from Dropbox (mp4 videos)

4. Select output video quality

5. Change transition settings for merging videos

6. Audio file (m4a) problem in other media players (including iTunes) is fixed